Fugitive at 17
In this 2012 thriller directed by Jim Donovan, the story follows a tech-savvy teenager who finds herself on the run after being wrongfully accused of a crime. As she uses her hacking skills to uncover the truth and clear her name, she navigates a world filled with danger and deception. The film stars Marie Avgeropoulos, who delivers a compelling performance as the determined protagonist. While the movie did not receive any notable awards, it offers an engaging narrative for fans of suspenseful dramas. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller, TV Movie
Director: Jim Donovan
Actors: Allison Graham, Casper Van Dien, Christina Cox, Cindel Chartrand, Daniel Rindress-Kay, Danny Blanco Hall, Dylan Van Wylick, Frank Schorpion, Marie Avgeropoulos, Rosemary Dunsmore
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Capital Productions