Green Lantern: Beware My Power
In this animated superhero adventure, John Stewart, a former Marine, unexpectedly inherits the powerful Green Lantern ring, thrusting him into a cosmic conflict that he never anticipated. As he grapples with his new responsibilities, he teams up with familiar DC characters like Green Arrow and Hawkgirl to confront a looming intergalactic threat. Directed by Jeff Wamester, the film explores themes of courage and destiny while delivering action-packed sequences. Notably, the voice cast includes Aldis Hodge as John Stewart, adding depth to the character’s journey. For those interested, the movie is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Jeff Wamester
Actors: Aldis Hodge, Brian Bloom, Ike Amadi, Jamie Gray Hyder, Jason J. Lewis, Jimmi Simpson, Keesha Sharp, Mara Junot, Nolan North, Sunil Malhotra
Country: United States of America
Company: DC Comics, Warner Bros. Animation