Brian and Charles
In this heartwarming and quirky film directed by Jim Archer, audiences are introduced to Brian, a lonely inventor living in rural Wales, who creates an unlikely companion, Charles, a robot with a unique personality. The story explores themes of friendship, loneliness, and the quest for belonging, as Brian and Charles navigate the challenges of their unconventional relationship. The film stars David Earl and Chris Hayward, who bring a delightful chemistry to their roles. This charming narrative can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Jim Archer
Actors: Cara Chase, Chris Hayward, David Earl, Jamie Michie, Louise Brealey, Lowri Izzard, Lynn Hunter, Mari Izzard, Nina Sosanya, Sunil Patel
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Bankside Films, BFI Films, Film4
Worldwide Gross: $860,850