When Everything’s Gone
“When Everything’s Gone” is a dramatic tale set in a post-apocalyptic world, centering on Rory (played by Alex Alessi), who has managed to survive a catastrophic plague by living in isolation for over a year. He is tormented by the memory of losing his brother, Chris (Gabriel Rush). The narrative follows Rory as he steps into the desolate landscape, where he meets Casper (Alex Emanuel) and his daughter, Rosie (Catherine Blades). Together, they face the terrifying shadows of their pasts and embark on a crucial quest to locate other survivors, rekindling the hope they desperately need to move forward. In a world where everything has vanished, they must carve out a new future.
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Alex Alessi, Jeff Stewart
Actors: Alex Alessi, Alex Emanuel, Austin Gelfman, Bryan DeSanto, Catherine Blades, Cole Gabrielsen, Gabriel Rush, Kenney Myers, Matthew LaBenz, Sandra Gumuzzio