A Banquet
In this psychological horror film directed by Ruth Paxton, a widowed mother struggles to understand her teenage daughter’s sudden refusal to eat, which she claims is due to a profound spiritual awakening. As the daughter becomes increasingly emaciated, the family is drawn into a tense and unsettling exploration of faith, control, and the boundaries of maternal love. The film stars Sienna Guillory and Jessica Alexander, delivering intense performances that drive the narrative’s eerie atmosphere. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, its haunting visuals and thought-provoking themes have sparked discussions among horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Ruth Paxton
Actors: Andrew Steele, Deka Walmsley, Jessica Alexander, Kaine Zajaz, Lindsay Duncan, Richard Keep, Rina Mahoney, Ruby Stokes, Sienna Guillory, Walter van Dyk
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Reliance Entertainment Productions 8, Riverstone Pictures, Tea Shop Productions
Worldwide Gross: $43,327