In this 2002 adaptation directed by David Carson, the story follows a shy and outcast high school girl who discovers her telekinetic powers amidst the turmoil of her oppressive home life and relentless bullying at school. The film stars Angela Bettis in the titular role, delivering a haunting performance that captures the character’s vulnerability and growing strength. As tensions rise, her newfound abilities lead to a dramatic and catastrophic climax. This adaptation offers a modern take on the classic tale, exploring themes of isolation and empowerment. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, TV Movie
Director: David Carson
Actors: Angela Bettis, Chelan Simmons, Emilie de Ravin, Jesse Cadotte, Kandyse McClure, Katharine Isabelle, Meghan Black, Patricia Clarkson, Rena Sofer, Tobias Mehler
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: MGM Television, Province of British Columbia Production Services Tax Credit, Trilogy Entertainment Group