One Ordinary Day
This drama delves into the criminal justice system from a highly engaging viewpoint, focusing on the intense narrative of two men linked by a woman’s murder. Hyun Soo, a typical college student, unexpectedly finds himself accused as the main suspect in the case. Shin Joong Han, a lawyer who has only recently graduated from law school, is the sole person ready to defend Kim Hyun Soo. His participation in the case propels his otherwise uneventful life to new levels.
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Director: Kwon Soon-gyu
Studio: Chorokbaem Media, Gold Medalist, Studio M, THE STUDIO M
Creators: Kwon Soon-Gyu, Myoungwoo Lee, Peter Moffat
TV Status: Ended
1h 8minRelease: 2021
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 8
Networks: Coupang Play, friDay VideoCoupang Play
Starring: Cha Seung-won, Kim Hong-pa, Kim Shin-rock, Kim Soo-Hyun, Kim Sung-kyu, Kim Yeong-a, Kim Young-ah, Lee Sul, Moon Ye-won, Mun Ye-won, Seo Jae-hee, Yang Kyung-won