Red Rocket
In this 2021 film directed by Sean Baker, the story follows Mikey Saber, a charismatic yet troubled former adult film star, as he returns to his small Texas hometown. Struggling to rebuild his life, Mikey navigates complex relationships with his estranged wife and her mother while attempting to find a new path forward. The film stars Simon Rex in a standout performance, capturing the nuances of a flawed yet compelling character. Known for its raw and authentic storytelling, the movie has been praised for its unique portrayal of American life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Sean Baker
Actors: Bashir Abboud, Bree Elrod, Brenda Deiss, Brittney Rodriguez, Caressa Garza, Ethan Darbone, Judy Hill, Kevin Cavanaugh, Marlon Lambert, Simon Rex, Sophie, Suzanna Son, Vickie Pearce
Country: United States of America
Company: Cre Film
Worldwide Gross: $2,316,004