Bingo Hell
In this horror-comedy film directed by Gigi Saul Guerrero, a tight-knit community in the barrio of Oak Springs faces a sinister threat when a mysterious figure takes over their beloved bingo hall. The story follows Lupita, played by Adriana Barraza, as she rallies her neighbors to confront the malevolent force that preys on their greed and desperation. The film cleverly blends social commentary with supernatural elements, creating a unique narrative that explores themes of gentrification and community resilience. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it stands out for its engaging performances and atmospheric setting. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Gigi Saul Guerrero
Actors: Adriana Barraza, Bertila Damas, Clayton Landey, David Jensen, Grover Coulson, Jonathan Medina, Joshua Caleb Johnson, Kelly (Murtagh) Angell, Kelly Murtagh, L. Scott Caldwell, Richard Brake
Country: United States of America
Company: Amazon Studios, Blumhouse Productions, Blumhouse Television