Hit by Lightning
In this quirky romantic comedy, a lonely, middle-aged man named Ricky, played by Jon Cryer, finds himself in an unexpected predicament when he falls for a woman he meets online. The twist comes when she reveals that she is already married and proposes a dangerous plan to be together. The film explores themes of love, desperation, and the lengths one might go to find happiness. Directed by Ricky Blitt, the movie features a blend of humor and suspense, with performances by Stephanie Szostak and Will Sasso. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ricky Blitt
Actors: Jed Rees, Jon Cryer, Nathaly Thibault, Sean Tucker, Stephanie Szostak, Will Sasso
Country: Canada
Company: Chantal Chamandy Entertainment (CCE), Zed Filmworks