In this gripping drama, Matt Damon stars as Bill Baker, an American oil rig worker from Oklahoma who travels to France to help his estranged daughter, who has been imprisoned for a crime she claims she didn’t commit. As he navigates the complexities of a foreign legal system and cultural barriers, Bill forms an unexpected bond with a local woman and her young daughter, which challenges his worldview and sense of justice. Directed by Tom McCarthy, the film explores themes of redemption, family, and the pursuit of truth. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it has been noted for its compelling performances and intricate storytelling. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Featured movies, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Tom McCarthy
Actors: Abigail Breslin, Anne Le Ny, Camille Cottin, Deanna Dunagan, Eric Starkey, Gilbert Traïna, Idir Azougli, Justin France, Lilou Siauvaud, Matt Damon, Moussa Maaskri, Naidra Ayadi
Country: United States of America
Company: 3dot Productions, Amblin Partners, Anonymous Content
Worldwide Gross: $19,754,272