Blue Caprice
In this chilling psychological drama, the film explores the complex relationship between a father figure and his impressionable young protégé as they embark on a sinister journey across America. Inspired by true events, the narrative delves into themes of manipulation and the search for identity, set against the backdrop of a seemingly ordinary suburban life. The movie stars Isaiah Washington and Tequan Richmond, whose performances bring depth to this haunting tale. Directed by Alexandre Moors, the film has been praised for its atmospheric tension and compelling storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Alexandre Moors
Actors: Al Sapienza, Alexis Iacono, Bruce Kirkpatrick, Cassandra Freeman, Greg Paul, Isaiah Washington, Joey Lauren Adams, Leo Fitzpatrick, Tequan Richmond, Tim Blake Nelson
Country: United States of America
Company: Intrinsic Value Films, SimonSays Entertainment, Stephen Tedeschi Production
Worldwide Gross: $93,995