Drunk Bus
In this coming-of-age comedy, a directionless young man named Michael finds himself stuck driving the late-night campus bus, known for its rowdy, inebriated passengers. His monotonous routine is disrupted when he meets Pineapple, an eccentric and charismatic security guard who challenges him to break free from his rut and embrace life’s unpredictability. The film stars Charlie Tahan and Pineapple Tangaroa, whose dynamic performances bring humor and heart to the story. Directed by Brandon LaGanke, this film offers a fresh take on the journey to self-discovery. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Brandon LaGanke, John Carlucci
Actors: Charlie Tahan, Dave Hill, Frank Iero, Kara Hayward, Martin Pfefferkorn, Sarah Mezzanotte, Tangaroa Pineapple, Tonatiuh, Tonatiuh Elizarraraz, Will Forte, Zach Cherry
Country: United States of America