Set against the vibrant backdrop of Miami, this film follows the life of Israel “Reefa” Hernandez, a talented young artist with dreams of making a mark in the world. As he navigates the challenges of adolescence and the pressures of his immigrant family, Reefa’s passion for art becomes both his refuge and his voice. The film stars Tyler Dean Flores in the lead role, capturing the essence of youthful ambition and the struggle for identity. Directed by Jessica Kavana Dornbusch, the movie offers a poignant exploration of creativity and the pursuit of dreams. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Jessica Kavana Dornbusch
Actors: Cinthya Carmona, Clara McGregor, Ezana Alem, George Sear, José Zúñiga, Margarita Rosa de Francisco, Ricardo Chavira, Richard Haylor, Sidnei Barboza, Tyler Dean Flores
Country: United States of America
Company: Adir 26 Films, Vertical Entertainment