Hawk and Rev: Vampire Slayers
In this quirky horror-comedy, two unlikely friends, Hawk and Rev, team up to rid their small town of a vampire menace. Hawk, a security guard with a penchant for conspiracy theories, and Rev, a pacifist groundskeeper, find themselves in over their heads as they attempt to take on the supernatural threat. The film, directed by Ryan Barton-Grimley, combines humor and horror in a unique blend that offers a fresh take on the vampire genre. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, its offbeat charm and comedic elements have attracted a cult following. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ryan Barton-Grimley
Actors: Ari Schneider, Casey Graf, Jana Savage, Jeff Lorch, Richard Gayler, Ryan Barton-Grimley
Country: United States of America
Company: Clumsy Tiger Productions, Loaded Image Entertainment, RBG Films