The Inconsiderables: Last Exit Out of Hollywood
In this film by Salvatore Sebergandio, an elderly mafia hitman, portrayed by Robert Woods, is dispatched to the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles to lay low following a significant assignment. During his time in L.A., he becomes entangled with a witch, played by Shannah Laumeister Stern, and two mafia siblings, Marco and Marcello Cacioppo. These characters inhabit a realm where the lines between reality and fantasy are obscured, all in pursuit of power and riches, as members of a Hollywood cult are systematically taken out.
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Director: Salvatore Sebergandio
Actors: Marcello Cacioppo, Marco Cacioppo, Robert Woods, Shannah Laumeister Stern, Sidney Kassouf
Country: United States of America
Company: Pangea