The Christmas Setup
In this heartwarming holiday film directed by Pat Mills, Hugo, a New York City lawyer, returns to his hometown for Christmas with his best friend. His mother, a spirited matchmaker, arranges for him to run into Patrick, his high school crush, sparking a potential romance. The film stars Ben Lewis and Blake Lee, who are a real-life couple, adding an authentic touch to their on-screen chemistry. This charming story explores themes of love, family, and self-discovery during the festive season. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Pat Mills
Actors: Ben Lewis, Blake Lee, Chad Connell, Ellen Wong, Fran Drescher, Glen Grant, Jaime “Lucinda Miu” Lujan, Pedro Miguel Arce, Peter Nelson
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: 1Department Entertainment Services, Marvista Entertainment, Neshama Entertainment