Ip Man: Kung Fu Master
Set in the tumultuous era of 1940s China, this film follows the legendary martial artist as he navigates a complex web of crime and corruption. The protagonist, portrayed by Dennis To, finds himself entangled in a conflict with a ruthless mob boss while also facing challenges from a vengeful military officer. Directed by Liming Li, the movie showcases intense martial arts sequences and explores themes of honor and justice. Although it hasn’t received any notable awards, it offers a gripping narrative for fans of the genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 8
Director: Liming Li
Actors: Chang Qinyuan, Dennis To Yu-Hang, Dennis To Yue-Hong, Guo Jiayi, Li Rizhu, Michael Wong, Ren Yu, Tong Xiaohu, Yu-Hang To, Yuanli Ruoxin, Yue Dongfeng, Zhao Xiaoguang
Country: China
Worldwide Gross: $158,953