In this quirky and offbeat film directed by Miranda July, a family of small-time con artists, including stars like Evan Rachel Wood and Richard Jenkins, navigate their peculiar lifestyle of scams and schemes. Their world is turned upside down when a stranger joins their ranks, challenging their unconventional dynamics and prompting a reevaluation of their relationships. The film is a unique exploration of family, identity, and the pursuit of happiness, wrapped in July’s signature blend of humor and poignancy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Miranda July
Actors: Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Debra Winger, Evan Rachel Wood, Gina Rodriguez, Kim Estes, Mark Ivanir, Patricia Belcher, Rachel Redleaf, Randy Ryan , Richard Jenkins
Country: United States of America
Company: Annapurna Pictures, Plan B Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $1,285,775