Drive Me to the End
“Drive Me to the End” follows the journey of Ryan (Richard Summers-Calvert), a young man grappling with the emotional turmoil of his mother’s (Tracey Wilkinson) impending death, and Sunny (Kate Lister), who yearns to break free from the stifling expectations imposed by her controlling parents (Claire King and Bryn Hodgen) because she is on the Autism spectrum. The two, along with their distant family members, end up sharing a car ride to a funeral in Scotland. Over the course of three days, they must learn to find ease in each other’s presence while also coming to terms with their own identities.
Genre: Drama
Director: Richard Summers-Calvert
Actors: Bhasker Patel, Bryn Hodgen, Claire King, David Bower, Kate Lister, Mark Keegan, Richard Summers-Calvert, Tracey Wilkinson
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Crucible Films