Bloodsucker’s Planet
Set in a ’60s-inspired retro world, this prequel to the quirky noir film Bloodsucker’s Handbook (also known as Enchiridion) is titled Bloodsucker’s Planet. It chronicles the journey of the Argosy spaceship crew as they answer a distress call from the industrial Planet Mara. Upon arrival, they find the planet under the control of the menacing Mother Vampire. During their mission, they face challenges such as disease-spreading Mara bats, a chatty space roach, and Adrianna, a gynoid whose growing self-awareness is nurtured by her collection of classic romance comics.
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Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Mark Beal
Actors: Adrienne Dobson, Allen Menefee, Charles Pitman, Cory W. Ahre, Israel Koite, Jessica Bell, Joe Grisaffi, Joel Jeremy Herrera, Leni Mex, Logan Hooks
Country: United States of America
Company: Trenchfoot Productions