Hang Time
In this comedic film, the picturesque vineyards of Marlborough take center stage, with the entire movie being filmed at a winery in a mere 11 days. The story follows Harry, a young man in his twenties played by Hayden J Weal (known for Chronesthesia), who finds himself jilted by his fiancée just days before their vineyard wedding. Determined not to let the wine go to waste, two of Harry’s friends embark on a mission to lift his spirits. The film, penned and helmed by Casey Zilbert, draws inspiration from the classic Ernest Hemingway novel Fiesta (also known as The Sun Also Rises), which explores the lives of inebriated expatriates in Europe. Hang Time marks Zilbert’s debut as a filmmaker; during her university years, she studied both Fiesta and the science of wine.
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Director: Cathasaigh Ó Fiannachta
Actors: Casey Zilbert, Gemma Easton-Knight, Hayden J. Weal, Katrina George, Nick Davies, Steve Barr
Country: New Zealand
Company: S.C. Wheelbarrow & Sons, Sleepers are Dreamers