Crying Fist
In this gripping South Korean drama, two men from different walks of life find themselves at a crossroads, both seeking redemption through the sport of boxing. The film stars Choi Min-sik and Ryu Seung-beom, who deliver powerful performances as a down-and-out former boxing champion and a troubled young delinquent, respectively. Directed by Ryoo Seung-wan, the movie intricately weaves their parallel stories, exploring themes of struggle, perseverance, and the quest for personal salvation. Notably, the film was well-received for its raw and emotional portrayal of its characters. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ryoo Seung-wan
Actors: Ahn Kil-kang, Byun Hee-bong, Cheon Ho-jin, Choi Min-sik, Gi Ju-bong, Ho-jin Chun, Im Won-hee, Ki Joo-bong, Kim Su-hyun, Kim Yeong-in, Na Moon-hee, Ryoo Seung-bum
Country: South Korea
Company: Sio Film and Bravo Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $10,024,751