The Chorus
Set in post-World War II France, this film follows Clément Mathieu, an unemployed music teacher who takes a job at a strict boys’ boarding school. The institution is run by a harsh headmaster, but Mathieu’s unconventional teaching methods and passion for music inspire the troubled students to form a choir, transforming their lives. The film stars Gérard Jugnot and features a memorable performance by Jean-Baptiste Maunier. It was nominated for two Academy Awards, including Best Foreign Language Film. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Christophe Barratier
Actors: Cyril Bernicot, François Berléand, Gérard Jugnot, Grégory Gatignol, Jean-Baptiste Maunier, Jean-Paul Bonnaire, Kad Merad, Marie Bunel, Maxence Perrin, Thomas Blumenthal
Country: France, Germany, Switzerland
Company: Banque Populaire Images 4, CP Medien AG, Vega Film
Worldwide Gross: $88,385,944