The Warrant
Set in the post-Civil War era, this film follows two former Union Army soldiers, Sheriff John Breaker and his son, Cal, as they navigate the challenges of maintaining law and order in a rapidly changing world. When a dangerous fugitive from their past resurfaces, the father-son duo must confront their own demons and the harsh realities of justice. The movie features Neal McDonough and Steven R. McQueen in leading roles, bringing depth to this Western drama. Directed by Brent Christy, it offers a gripping narrative of loyalty and redemption. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Western
Director: Brent Christy
Actors: Annabeth Gish, Casper Van Dien, Esteban Cueto, Greg Perrow, Gregory Alan Williams, Gregory Cruz, Neal McDonough, Roxanna Dunlop, Steven R. McQueen, Trace Cheramie
Country: United States of America
Company: INSP Films, Sydney Productions