The Jack in the Box
In this 2020 horror film directed by Lawrence Fowler, a mysterious antique jack-in-the-box is unearthed, unleashing a malevolent entity that wreaks havoc on those who encounter it. The story follows a museum staff member who becomes entangled in the sinister events surrounding the cursed object. As the tension escalates, the characters must confront their deepest fears to survive. The film features a chilling atmosphere and a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Lawrence Fowler
Actors: Charles Abomeli, Darrie Gardner, Ethan Taylor, Lucy-Jane Quinlan, Philip Ridout, Robert Strange, Simon Balfour, Stacey Lynn Crowe, Tom Carter, Vinnie Clarke
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Fowler Media, Up A Notch Productions
Worldwide Gross: $1,035,734