Set in the bustling city of Dakar, this film follows the story of Ada, a young woman torn between love and societal expectations. Her lover, Souleiman, is among a group of construction workers who leave Senegal in search of a better future, leaving behind a mysterious fever that begins to affect the community. The film, directed by Mati Diop, won the Grand Prix at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, marking a significant achievement for the director. The narrative weaves elements of romance, social commentary, and supernatural intrigue, creating a poignant exploration of migration and longing. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance
Director: Mati Diop
Actors: Abdou Balde, Amadou Mbow, Aminata Kane, Babacar Sylla, Coumba Dieng, Fatou Sougou, Ibrahima Mbaye, Ibrahima Traore, Mame Bineta Sane, Mariama Gassama, Nicole Sougou
Country: Belgium, France, Senegal
Company: Cinekap, Frakas Productions, Les Films du Bal
Worldwide Gross: $407,933