After She Wakes
Following the heartbreaking loss of her infant son, a mother who struggles with narcolepsy and her young daughter face harrowing disturbances in their sleep as they grapple with persistent sorrow and mourning. They encounter various parasomnia episodes, such as night terrors and sleep paralysis, which render them immobile and force them to endure frightening hallucinations. These nightmares grow increasingly unsettling, blurring the lines between their dreams and reality, and leading the mother to suspect that a presence is observing her as she sleeps each night. Eventually, the horrifying images from their dreams start to intrude into their waking life, leaving the mother exposed to danger.
Director: Dave Clark
Actors: Andrea Pazmino, Conrad Goode, Hannah Ward, Micah Joe Parker, Nicola Lambo, Stella Carlish
Country: United States of America
Company: Gravitas Ventures