Ms. Purple
Set against the vibrant backdrop of Los Angeles’ Koreatown, this film explores the complex relationship between a brother and sister, Kasie and Carey, as they navigate personal struggles and familial obligations. Directed by Justin Chon, the narrative delves into themes of cultural identity and familial duty, with Tiffany Chu and Teddy Lee delivering compelling performances as the lead siblings. The film’s poignant storytelling and atmospheric cinematography offer a heartfelt glimpse into the challenges faced by second-generation immigrants. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: Justin Chon
Actors: Alma Martinez, Courtney Bandeko, Crystal Lee, Dayoung Lee, Jake Choi, Josiah D. Lee, Octavio Pisano, Teddy Lee, Tiffany Chu, Trinecia Moore-Pernell
Country: United States of America
Company: Electric Panda Entertainment, Plan Zero Productions
Worldwide Gross: $80,657