Rise of the Footsoldier 4: Marbella
In this action-packed crime thriller, the story follows Pat Tate, a notorious gangster, as he embarks on a sun-soaked journey to Marbella. Seeking revenge and power, Tate navigates the treacherous underworld of the Spanish coast, encountering a mix of old enemies and new alliances. The film stars Craig Fairbrass, who delivers a gritty performance as the lead character. Directed by Andrew Loveday, the movie offers a blend of intense action and dramatic storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Andrew Loveday
Actors: Andrew Loveday, Byron Gibson, Conor Benn, Craig Fairbrass, David G Mahoney, Emily Wyatt, Gary Driscoll, Roland Manookian, Sandra Portillo, Terry Stone
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Carnaby International, Haymarket Films, Lipsync Productions
Worldwide Gross: $8,261