The Man Without Gravity
In this whimsical tale directed by Marco Bonfanti, a boy named Oscar is born with the extraordinary ability to defy gravity. As he grows up, Oscar’s unique condition becomes both a blessing and a burden, leading him to live a life of seclusion with his mother and grandmother. The film explores themes of isolation, acceptance, and the desire for normalcy, all while maintaining a light-hearted and magical tone. The cast includes Elio Germano, Michela Cescon, and Elena Cotta, who deliver compelling performances. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Marco Bonfanti
Actors: Andrea Pennacchi, Cristina Donadio, Dieter-Michael Grohmann, Elena Cotta, Elio Germano, Jennifer Brokshi, Michela Cescon, Pietro Pescara, Silvia D'Amico, Vincent Scarito
Company: Climax Films, Isaria Productions, Zagora