In this horror-comedy film directed by Todd Sheets, a group of demonic clowns is swept up in a supernatural tornado, unleashing chaos and terror on unsuspecting victims. The narrative follows a diverse group of individuals who must band together to survive the onslaught of these malevolent clowns. The film features performances by actors such as Linnea Quigley and Eileen Dietz, known for their roles in cult horror films. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, the movie is notable for its blend of practical effects and campy humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Todd Sheets
Actors: Antwoine Steele, Bobby Westrick, Dilynn Fawn Harvey, Eileen Dietz, Jeanne Silver, Joel D. Wynkoop, John O'Hara, Linnea Quigley, Millie Milan, Rachel Lagen
Country: United States of America
Company: Extreme Entertainment, FilmCore