The Art of Racing in the Rain
In this heartwarming drama, viewers are introduced to Enzo, a philosophical dog who narrates the story of his owner, Denny Swift, an aspiring Formula One race car driver. The film explores themes of love, family, and the pursuit of dreams, as Denny navigates the challenges of his career and personal life. Starring Milo Ventimiglia and Amanda Seyfried, the movie offers a unique perspective on the human condition through the eyes of man’s best friend. Directed by Simon Curtis, this adaptation of the beloved novel captures the emotional journey of its characters. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 10
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
Director: Simon Curtis
Actors: Amanda Seyfried, Andres Joseph, Donald Heng, Gary Cole, Ian Lake, Jackie Minns, Kathy Baker, Kevin Costner, Lily Dodsworth-Evans, Marcus Hondro, Martin Donovan, Matthew Kevin Anderson, McKinley Belcher III, Milo Ventimiglia, Peter Ciuffa, Ryan Kiera Armstrong
Country: United States of America
Company: Fox 2000 Pictures, LifeMinute TV, Original Film
Worldwide Gross: $33,766,787