Ultraman R/B The Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond
In the enigmatic Ayaka City, the sudden arrival of the mysterious Ultraman Tregear stirs curiosity. Tregear poses a thought-provoking question about the lengths one would go to fulfill their dreams, leading Katsumi to embark on a quest to discover his own aspirations. After a year of peace, a monster emerges, prompting Ultraman Blu and Ultraman Rosso to team up with Ultraman Geed to confront this fresh menace. United by the aspirations of the Minato family, they give rise to Ultraman Gruebe, stepping forward in pursuit of their dreams.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Family, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Masayoshi Takesue
Actors: Arisa Sonohara, Ginnojo Yamazaki, Kaede Yuasa, Kaori Manabe, Megumi Han, Ryosuke Koike, Tatsuomi Hamada, Yukito Nishii, Yuma Uchida, Yuya Hirata
Country: Japan
Company: Tsuburaya Productions