Jump In!
In this energetic Disney Channel Original Movie, a young boxer named Izzy Daniels, played by Corbin Bleu, discovers a passion for competitive double Dutch jump roping. As he navigates the challenges of balancing his father’s expectations with his newfound interest, Izzy learns valuable lessons about friendship and self-discovery. The film, directed by Paul Hoen, also stars Keke Palmer, adding to its appeal with her charismatic performance. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the movie is notable for its engaging portrayal of an unconventional sport. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
Director: Paul Hoen
Actors: Corbin Bleu, David Reivers, Jajube Mandiela, Keke Palmer, Kylee Russell, Laivan Greene, Micah Stephen Williams, Micah Williams, Patrick Johnson Jr., Paula Brancati, Shanica Knowles
Country: United States of America
Company: Davis Entertainment, Disney Channel, Hop, Skip and Jump Productions