In this intense Danish thriller, a journalist finds herself trapped in a tunnel boring machine with two workers after an accident occurs during the construction of the Copenhagen Metro. The film explores themes of survival and human resilience as the characters face life-threatening challenges in a confined space. Directed by Rasmus Kloster Bro, the movie delivers a gripping narrative with strong performances from its cast, including Christine Sønderris. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Genre: Thriller
Director: Rasmus Kloster Bro
Actors: Adrian Heili, Anders Nylander Thomsen, Christine Sønderris, Krešimir Mikić, Lilli Fernanda Kondrup, Rasmus Hammerich, Salvatore Striano, Samson Semere
Country: Denmark
Company: Beo Starling, New Danish Screen