Playing Hard
The narrative follows the lives of three women grappling with alcohol addiction. Dorota, a prominent prosecutor, exploits her legal immunity to evade accountability for her alcohol-fueled misdeeds. Her husband, a well-known politician, aids in concealing her issues and frequently bails her out of trouble, though his patience is wearing thin. Teresa, a respected pediatric surgeon, has lost her family due to her drinking habits, leaving her with only her position as the head doctor at the hospital. The situation spirals when she arrives at work intoxicated. Meanwhile, Magda, a student who enjoys partying, faces no objections due to her academic excellence and successful job. However, she eventually loses control, leading to a tragic incident.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: Kinga Dębska
Actors: Agata Kulesza, Barbara Jonak, Dorota Kolak, Dorota Landowska, Marcin Dorociński, Maria Debska, Mateusz Janicki, Mirosław Baka, Przemysław Bluszcz, Rafał Rutkowski
Country: Poland
Company: EBH Polska, Studio Filmowe Kalejdoskop, Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych (WFDiF)
Worldwide Gross: $2,323,646