Abundant Acreage Available
In this contemplative drama directed by Angus MacLachlan, the story unfolds on a small family farm in North Carolina, where siblings Jesse and Tracy, played by Amy Ryan and Terry Kinney, grapple with the recent death of their father. As they navigate their grief and the future of their inherited land, unexpected visitors arrive, stirring up old memories and unresolved tensions. The film delves into themes of family, legacy, and the passage of time, offering a poignant exploration of human connection. Notably, Amy Ryan’s performance stands out, adding depth to the film’s emotional landscape. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Angus MacLachlan
Actors: Amy Ryan, Francis Guinan, Max Gail, Steve Coulter, Terry Kinney
Country: United States of America
Company: Abundant Productions