Set in 1979, this gripping historical drama follows two East German families as they attempt a daring escape to West Germany using a homemade hot air balloon. The film, directed by Michael Herbig, captures the tension and danger of their journey, highlighting the oppressive nature of the East German regime. Starring Friedrich Mücke and Karoline Schuch, the movie offers a compelling portrayal of courage and determination. While it hasn’t received major awards, it stands out for its meticulous attention to historical detail. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Michael Herbig
Actors: Alicia von Rittberg, David Kross, Emily Kusche, Friedrich Mücke, Jonas Holdenrieder, Karoline Schuch, Ronald Kukulies, Thomas Kretschmann, Tilman Döbler, Ulrich Brandhoff
Country: France, Germany, United States of America
Company: herbX Film, SevenPictures Film, StudioCanal
Worldwide Gross: $11,799,591