In the dense, ancient forests near the small town of Falls City, Oregon, lies a hidden treasure that only a select few know how to uncover. For ten weeks each year, these individuals embark on a quest for one of the world’s most luxurious foods, a delicacy once called the “Food of the Gods” by Roman emperor Nero: black truffles. In Oregon, these truffles are considered more precious than gold. For the first time, we have been granted exclusive access to this clandestine world of foragers and rural entrepreneurs. This year, a historic drought has struck Oregon, severely reducing the usually plentiful wild black truffle harvest, and winter has arrived prematurely. With the truffle supply at a record low, prices are expected to soar to unprecedented heights. As competition among foragers intensifies and more diggers join the hunt for wealth, the truffle hunters of Oregon will be tested to their utmost limits.
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2015
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 7
Country: United States of America
Networks: Discovery