Mara, an introverted and eccentric individual, spends her time crafting movie props. However, beneath her withdrawn exterior lies a simmering rage. Driven by a fear of solitude, Mara refuses to let her partners leave, resorting to sadistic murder and preserving their bodies as lifelike dolls. When she is employed by Kat, an up-and-coming producer, they quickly form a strong connection. As their bond deepens, Mara’s tenuous hold on reality starts to unravel. With her dolls demanding all her attention and Kat posing a threat to her emotional stability, Mara descends into madness, feeling compelled to kill once more.
Views: 2
Genre: Horror
Director: Rich Mallery, Ruby LaRocca
Actors: Asta Paredes, George Stover, Nicola Fiore, Rich Mallery, Ruby LaRocca, Tammy Jean
Country: United States of America
Company: Napalm Love Productions