Director Kit Monkman, known for “The Knife That Killed Me,” has reimagined Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” in a groundbreaking film shot entirely on green screen. Featuring Mark Rowley, known for his roles in “The Last Kingdom” and “Luther,” this adaptation uniquely merges theatrical and cinematic elements to craft a novel imaginative realm. Monkman’s innovative approach places the audience’s connection with the narrative at the forefront, enhancing the play’s original theatrical essence while delivering fresh and exhilarating visual experiences. By employing background matte painting and computer modeling, the green screen technique enables Monkman to construct a layered world where the characters’ destinies unfold, all while preserving the language and themes of Shakespeare’s classic work.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Kit Monkman
Actors: Akiya Henry, Al Weaver, Charles Mnene, David Bark-Jones, David Bradley, Kelly Burke, Mark Rowley, Phillipe Spall, Valentine Pelka, Wunmi Mosaku
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Goldfinch, Goldfinch Entertainment, GSP Studios, Premiere Picture