Set in the Joseon Dynasty, this historical drama follows the story of a lowly acrobat who is recruited to impersonate the king to prevent a potential coup. As he navigates the complexities of court life, he begins to understand the burdens of leadership and the intricacies of palace politics. The film stars Lee Byung-hun in a dual role, showcasing his versatility as an actor. Directed by Chang-min Choo, the movie was well-received for its engaging narrative and strong performances. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Choo Chang-min
Actors: Han Hyo-joo, Jang Gwang, Jeon Guk-hyang, Jun Guk-hyang, Kim In-kwon, Lee Byung-hun, Lee El, Park Ji-a, Park Ji-ah, Ryu Seung-ryong, Shim Eun-kyung, Shin Jung-geun, Shin Jung-keun
Country: South Korea
Company: CJ E&M Film Financing & Investment Entertainment & Comics, CJ Entertainment, Realies Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $94,268,432