Zombie Cats from Mars
The narrative follows Billy, a delicate enthusiast of classic sci-fi action films. His sole companion is Cameron, a geeky cinema aficionado who consistently attempts to uplift Billy’s self-esteem. After witnessing a UFO landing, Billy withdraws into his imagination, convinced that extraterrestrials are invading the town. Cameron, along with the rest of the community, remains doubtful. However, a series of mysterious deaths begins to unfold. The first victim is Percis, a solitary cat owner, whose mutilated body is found by Lester, the devout husband of Carolyn, Percis’s despondent caregiver. Soon, more random fatalities occur, including a jogger and a janitor at the Carbonics Warehouse. Two news reporters relay these events to the public, while a Detective and his Chief work to unravel the mystery behind the murders.
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Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Montetré
Actors: Benni Harper, Bobby Bridges, Bransen Sands Koehler, Eric Pease, Estevan Muñoz, Janae' Werner, Joon Rhee, Stephanie Leet
Country: United States of America
Company: Mwb3 Problems