The Founding of a Republic
This historical drama, directed by Jianxin Huang, chronicles the pivotal events leading to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. The film features an ensemble cast of Chinese cinema stars, including Zhang Guoli and Tang Guoqiang, who bring to life the complex political negotiations and military strategies of the era. With its grand scale and attention to historical detail, the movie offers a sweeping portrayal of a transformative period in Chinese history. Interestingly, it was released to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Jianxin Huang, Sanping Han
Actors: Andy Lau, Andy Lau Tak-Wah, Chen Kun, Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan, Liu Jin, Liu Sha, Qing Xu, Tang Guoqiang, Wang Wufu, Xu Qing, Zhang Guoli
Country: China, Hong Kong, United States of America
Company: CCTV Movie Channel, China Film Group Corporation (CFGC), Shanghai Film Studio, Shanghai Film Studios
Worldwide Gross: $1,035,741