In this intriguing Taiwanese supernatural thriller directed by Chao-Bin Su, a team of scientists discovers a way to capture the energy of a ghost, leading to unexpected and eerie consequences. The film stars Chang Chen and Yosuke Eguchi, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the mysterious and haunting events that unfold. The narrative explores themes of life, death, and the unknown, set against a backdrop of scientific exploration and moral dilemmas. This atmospheric film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Chao-Bin Su
Actors: Barbie Hsu, Chang Chen, Chen Bolin, Chi-Chin Ma, Janine Chang, Janine Chang Chun-Ning, Janine Chun-Ning Chang, Karena Lam, Karena Lam Kar-Yan, Kevin S. Smith, Kuan-Po Chen, Leon Dai, Wanfang, Yosuke Eguchi
Country: Taiwan
Company: CMC Entertainment, Unit 9 Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $854,535