Fubar: Balls to the Wall
In this 2010 comedy directed by Michael Dowse, the story follows lifelong friends Terry and Dean as they navigate the challenges of adulthood while trying to maintain their carefree lifestyle. The duo embarks on a journey filled with hilarious misadventures, testing the limits of their friendship and resilience. The film stars Paul Spence and David Lawrence, who reprise their roles with a blend of humor and heart. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it has garnered a cult following for its unique take on friendship and life’s absurdities. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Michael Dowse
Actors: Andrew Sparacino, David Lawrence, Hanna Lawrence, Jamil Jabril, Lori D'Amour Heidt, Matthew Brennan, Paul Spence, Rose Martin, Terra Hazelton, Tracey Lawrence
Country: Canada
Company: BT Productions, Busted Tranny, FU2 Productions