Jeepers Creepers II
In this horror sequel directed by Victor Salva, a group of high school students finds themselves stranded on a desolate highway after their bus breaks down. As night falls, they become the target of a terrifying creature that emerges every 23 years to feed. The film stars Ray Wise, who delivers a compelling performance as a father seeking vengeance for his son’s disappearance. Known for its suspenseful atmosphere and chilling creature design, the movie continues to build on the eerie mythology established in its predecessor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Victor Salva
Actors: Al Santos, Eric Nenninger, Garikayi Mutambirwa, Jonathan Breck, Josh Hammond, Luke Edwards, Marieh Delfino, Nicki Aycox, Ray Wise, Tom Tarantini
Country: United States of America
Company: American Zoetrope, Myriad Pictures, United Artists
Worldwide Gross: $63,102,666