In this horror-comedy film directed by Balázs Hatvani, a group of teenagers ventures into an abandoned amusement park, only to encounter a series of bizarre and terrifying creatures. The film features the voice talents of Tim Curry, known for his iconic roles in horror and comedy, and Lance Henriksen, adding a layer of cult appeal. The movie combines elements of campy horror with dark humor, creating a unique viewing experience. While it did not receive any major awards, it stands out for its practical effects and nostalgic nods to 1980s horror. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Balázs Hatvani
Actors: Ashley Lloyd, Brad Dourif, Erin Hayes, Lance Henriksen, Michael Winslow, Sean Young, Tim Curry
Country: Hungary
Company: Cinelabyrinth Entertainment, Lionsgate Home Entertainment, Movierockets Entertainment