Life Story
Narrated by David Attenborough, “Life Story” explores the extraordinary and often dangerous adventure of life’s journey. This narrative connects every human and animal on Earth, as we all embark on this path from birth. For animals, the primary aim is to perpetuate their lineage through their descendants. The series chronicles this journey across six essential phases: taking initial steps, maturing, securing a habitat, acquiring dominance, attracting a partner, and thriving as a parent.
Views: 1
Genre: Documentary
Studio: BBC, BBC Worldwide, Discovery Channel, Discovery+, France Télévisions, The Open University
Creators: Emma Napper, Sophie Lanfear
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2014
IMDb: 9
TMDb: 8.343
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: David Attenborough